Apr 19Liked by David I. Backer

One thing you *significantly* overlooked is the amount of free cash Hingham insists on having- more as a percent of the budget (16-20%) than 338 other MA towns, all benchmark and comparable districts, and all but one other Aaa-bond rated district. Union pres here- not a fan of the union bashing but we’ll forgive it given the light you are helping shine on this nightmare (thank you!!!). We pushed back on the non-binding 3.5% cap to no avail- they were convinced they needed to do it to get an override passed, we published several comments/opinions in the Anchor over the last year (recent: https://www.hinghamanchor.com/opinion-hingham-educators-strive-for-a-fair-contract-to-benefit-our-community/), have held multiple standouts and rallies (every school does a standout 2-3 times a week), practice picketed, had lawn signs all over town, been work to rule since Oct, sent over 5000 emails to School Committee, AdCom, Select Board, and Town Administrator, attended and spoke at hours upon hours of their meetings, voted no confidence in the superintendent, met with state legislators, and are now attempting to pull together a budget increase motion at Town Meeting funded by grossly underestimated revenue and over $9M extra in the “free cash” unassigned fund balance. We need the citizens of Hingham to better direct their government, specifically the Advisory Committee and Select Board, and we need the School Committee to stand up and ask for what teachers and parents are telling them we need. Non-residents can only do so much given existing Town Meeting and broken labor laws in MA.

Some of the free cash research is posted on our Facebook page to save you some time: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064139610770

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