Sitemap - 2020 - Schooling in Socialist America

We need an education liquidity facility (ELF)

Shut down, forbidden, and banned

Fiscal shit storm

How We Gonna Pay?

The Case of Richard Dunlap

Education: critical vs. structural

Non-educated Voters

Apparatuses all the way down

School Infrastructure Funding in Pennsylvania

School Funding in the Pandemic News Roundup

Rural and Urban School Districts Fighting Together

When Daddy and Mommy Fight

Budgetary Learned Helplessness

Did Philly Just Get Hosed?

Response to Richard Hudson-Miles

Illinois and the MTA

The Green MLF Strategy

Organizing the MLF Strategy

Are School Districts Eligible Issuers for the MLF?

An MLF Loan for a School District: The Details

School Funding in the Covid Crisis

New directions: school finance

Is there a train-wreck coming?

On the fireworks

Big picture update

Two rallies

Two demands in real estate

The US is not a failed state

Finance-speak and oppression

The threat of bankruptcy

Data confusion

Schools are not a loan

Illyrian economics

My sweet inflatable you

Towards a socialist finance, part 2

Class struggle content

Response to Grace Blakely

Is there a housing crisis?

Are the testing numbers real?

Capital's Achilles heel?

Gimme some muni

A capitalist dilemma

Towards a socialist finance

What the Fed did on Thursday

'Green' Bonds Now

Poop back and forth, forever

The Wizard of Oz Effect

Spreading thin

People before corporations?

What's rising?


Joblessness and suicide

Leverage: an assignment

Black hole, not black swan

We need working class data collection

Remarkable, contentious leverage

Fed Up

The Imperiali$m of Relief

Interest rates like beer for a dime

The (socialist) thing about buybacks

$6 trillion isn't enough.

Bond with the wind

Precision Crisis

Socialist approaches to the crisis?

Prediction: Yellow Vests. In the US.

Recovering from capitalist pandemic

Thoughts on education, capitalism, policy.